Making a difference in the St. Johns Community

We could not have done it without you!

As a nonprofit, we solely rely on our community support and corporate sponsorships. Thank you for your continued support as we serve our community together. It is because of you we are making a difference in St Johns County, Florida.

Bags of Food
Freely Given

Holiday Meals
Gladly Served

In Financial Gifts
Given to help

Ways you can help

Making cash or check donations allows us to purchase food at greatly discounted prices. Getting together with your church or neighborhood and gathering food items is a wonderful way of providing much needed items. Volunteering your time, allows you to actually see what we are about and how much our services are needed.

Need Assistance?

Simply come during Pantry operating hours with a government issued identification tell us a little about your needs and we will be glad to assist you and your family. We provide food based on USDA guidelines, with a smile and prayer if needed all by volunteers who are there to assist you with your needs.